If you're looking for an efficient ducted gas heating system, you won't find much better than a ducted gas heater. Working on the same principle as air conditioning but delivering heat instead of cool air, ducted gas heaters are quiet, easily controlled and customisable.
The main unit often sits outside but it can also be located under your floor or roof. Using natural gas, it draws air in and warms it up via a heat exchanger. This heated air is then directed all around the home, being released into rooms via ducts - just like air conditioning.
With regular maintenance and servicing, ducted gas heaters are a very safe way to heat your home. They are very quiet to run and some offer the ability to heat different areas of your home, saving you money. This is known as zoning.
The price of purchasing ducted gas heaters and their energy efficiency can vary. As a general rule, those which are cheaper to buy offer lower energy efficiency so can be more costly in the long run. Models with a higher star rating are more energy-efficient and typically have the extra features, such as zoning, which will save more money.
For advice on what model to buy, or for repairs, servicing or installation, give DGB Refrigeration Heating and Cooling a call.