Air Conditioners have become an important part of our day-to-day life. We rely on these units to help us maintain the temperature in our homes at our desired levels. Having a clean air conditioner plays an important part in maintaining good air quality and ensuring the efficiency of your air conditioner. The filters in these units can remove dust, pollen, and even bacteria from the air. Over time, these filters can get dirty and require cleaning. Regularly cleaning the filters will not only enhance air quality but also contribute to better energy efficiency and lower running costs.
In this article, we will talk about the steps to clean your air conditioner, specifically split system air conditioning units that are the most commonly used in Melbourne homes.
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Every air conditioner comes with an instruction manual issued by the manufacturer. This manual includes details on how to access and clean filters and other parts that can be easily maintained by users. If the manual is lost, many manufacturers provide downloadable copies on their websites.
Process: If the air blades on the indoor unit are removable, take them off and use a dry towel or Hoover to clean them and the space behind them. Make sure the unit is turned off while doing this.
In Dusty or Humid Areas: It is important to clean filters and the air blades regularly in humid or dusty situations. To keep your indoors dry, you can run the unit in fan-only mode or the ‘dry out’ mode, if available in your unit. If you would like a thorough cleaning, you can reach out to DGB Refrigeration Heating & Cooling by dialing 03 7038 6918 to book a service for your air conditioner.
Considerations: If you live in an extremely dusty or humid environment where mold growth and dust accumulation are major concerns, consider using professional cleaning services from DGB Refrigeration Heating & Cooling as our licensed technicians carefully clean the internal parts such as drains, coils, and fins to keep your unit running smoothly.
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By taking these easy and efficient steps, you can make your home healthier for you and your loved ones while also extending the life and efficiency of your air conditioner. If you are ready for fresh, effective air, give DGB Refrigeration Heating & Cooling a call at 03 7038 6918 for a customized solution according to your requirements.
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